Sole Bay United Juniors Football Club
Sole Bay United Juniors Football Club was established in 1990 and is run on a voluntary basis to give young people in Reydon, Southwold and surrounding villages an opportunity to play and enjoy football.
By volunteering to provide coaching, training and matches in a welcoming environment, we provide safe sports facilities and expertise to help young people play competitive football within the local junior league set up.
Sandcastles, Reydon Baby & Toddler Group
We are Sandcastles, Reydon Baby & Toddler Group.
Come and play and socialise every
Thursday 9:30-11:30am during school term.
Snacks and drinks provided. All ages welcome.
Prices: under 6 months- free/ 6 months plus - £1 / Adults - £1
We are run by mums for mums, dads & grandparents!
Sole Bay Singers Community Choir
Jude's Corner
A problem shared is a problem halved.
Are you in need of a friend? Looking for company?
Feeling down and need someone to talk to?
Or maybe you just want to get out of the house for a while?
Join us at Jude's Corner!
When: Friday's (starting 14th June)
Time: 6-7pm
Refreshments: Complimentary tea, coffee and soft drinks
We look forward to seeing you there!
Yoga with Sarah Lewis
Wednesdays 6-7pm
Accessible Hatha Yoga, increasing self awareness in body and mind, resetting your nervous system to leave centred and calm.
Open level yoga class, improving joint mobility, muscular strength and flexibility and let go of the stresses of your day.
"Sarah's yoga classes are absolutely brilliant. They have given me such a boost in my physical and mental well-being.” Pete, yoga attendee